Day 1 - Plenary Session - Opening

    Day 1 - Plenary Session - Part 2

    Day 1 - ROOM 3.2

    Day 1 - ROOM CE304 (FIIR)

    Day 1 - ROOM 3.1

    Day 2 - Plenary Session

    Day 2 - ROOM 3.1

    Day 2 - ROOM 3.2

    About ISIM & ISWIM 2024

    ISIM & ISWIM 2024 are organized by the National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest, Center for Research and Training in Innovative Techniques of Applied Mathematics in Engineering “Traian Lalescu” (CiTi) in partnership with the Military Technical Academy “Ferdinand I”.

    This edition has the support of the Romanian Mathematical Society, Faculty of Applied Sciences - Department of Mathematical Methods and Models and of the Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Robotics.

    The scope of the Symposium includes but is not limited to original research works and ideas related to CiTi interdisciplinary areas and Applications: Fractional Calculus, Wavelet Analysis, Evolutionary Algorithms, Data Analysis and Information Security, Game Theory - including Quantum, Partial and Ordinary Differential Equations, Mathematical Statistics, Graph Theory.

    Center for Research and Training in Innovative Techniques of Applied Mathematics in Engineering “Traian Lalescu” (CiTi), organized within the Faculty of Applied Sciences of the National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest, was established to develop and promote some innovative engineering mathematical techniques with a large application in different areas.

    CiTi is open to students in the bachelor, master and doctoral programs from all types of faculties, with the aim of training and stimulating student research, as well as scientific collaboration between all relevant institutions both in the country and abroad, based on bilateral agreements in national, respectively in international programs/projects.




    Important dates

    (some information are still subject to possible changes)

    08.06.2024Extended Abstract submission deadline

    1. The extended abstracts must be submitted online (after login) on the symposium website:

    2. Extended abstracts must have two pages and will be submitted in English.

    3. It is recommended to use the program with the MS WORD processor (.docx) and respect the structure and formatting information from the following template: Template_extended_abstract.docx

    4. The entire responsibility of the content belongs to the authors.

    12.06.2024Extended Abstract acceptance deadline
    18.06.2024Registration for participation deadline
    26-27.06.2024   Symposium & Workshop Works
    Conference starts on June 26, 2024 at 9:00 with introductory word of the organizers while presentations of participants will follow in separate sections.
    31.07.2024(optionally) Full article submission deadline


    (some information and details about ISIM & ISWIM 2024 are still subject to possible changes)

    Location: National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest
    Presentations: Hybrid or normally in the Aula Building of The National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest
    Participation: Oral presentation (on-site participation) or Virtual presentation (using video conference call)
    Certification: All participants (co-authors as well) receive a certificate of participation upon request
    Proceedings: The registration fee includes the publishing in the Symposium Book of Abstracts in electronic format with ISBN by Politehnica Press Publishing House.
    Selected papers from the sections: ISIM Section5. Research in Mathematics Education, ISWIM Section 5. Accessing Mathematics - will be published in Didactica Matematica Edited by the Romanian Mathematical Society, ISSN 2247–5060 -
    Publishing the most scientifically valuable works will be invited for publication in one of the following WOS indexed international journals:
    UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series A: Applied Mathematics and Physics
    (JIF 2020 : 0.903, JCR Categories: Applied Mathematics; Multidisciplinary Physics, WoS, Q4)


    • All articles will be reviewed.
    • Friendly atmosphere making it easy and stressless to present your research (great for Ph.D. students for gaining experience).
    The new edition ISIM &I SWIM 2024 promotes interactions between mathematical higher education and secondary education and provide a forum for the larger international STEM community.

    Participation fee - free of charge

    With support from the organizing institutions, participation to the Third Edition of the ISIM & ISWIM will be FREE OF CHARGE.
    Online participants will receive the conference materials, a certificate of participation and the book of abstracts in digital format.
    On site participants will receive all the conference materials and the certificate of participation in a conference bag. Coffee and lunch breaks are also included for all on site participants.

    Sections ISIM 2024

    1. Fractional calculus, wavelet analysis and applications, evolutionary algorithms and applications. Nonlinear Analysis, Fixed Point Theory and Optimization.

    2. NEW! Mathematical Progress in Digitalization related to Defence and Security; Game theory - including quantum and applications.

    3. CiTi related interdisciplinary areas and applications: Differential Equations, Mathematical Statistics, Graph Theory.

    4. Non-classical sets (algebraic and topological aspects), Generalized matrices and applications.

    5. NEW! Research in Mathematics Education

    *This section is focusing on secondary mathematical research and STEM education. The meeting features plenary lectures by mathematical teachers/researchers.

    Sections ISWIM 2024 (for students only)

    1. Applications of fractional calculus. Nonlinear Analysis, Fixed Point Theory and Optimization.

    2. NEW! Mathematical Applications in Digitalization related to Defence and Security.

    3. Applications related to CiTi interdisciplinary areas: Differential Equations, Mathematical Statistics, Graph Theory.

    4. Fuzzy sets, Rough sets, Generalized matrices and applications.

    5. NEW! Accessing Mathematics.

    *This section is focusing on secondary mathematical research and education where students together with teachers can present results from undergraduate mathematical research projects.

    © 2024 International Symposium (ISIM) & International Student Workshop (ISWIM) on Interdisciplinary Mathematics in the CiTi areas